Take the CHIRP Survey!

The CHIRP™ Study (Child Health Inventory for Resilience and Prevention) is a new and comprehensive look at children’s health and the role that many environmental factors –like nutrition, chemical exposure, exercise—have on it. And it’s timely, as one in every two...
Building big literacy skills

Building big literacy skills

Early literacy skills are SO important for all ages birth and up! Sometimes it can be so hard to know what to do to integrate it into our days, right? This article gives some fantastic tips! A few quick ideas are: ????Singing songs in the car. ???? Reading stories at...


Did you know that singing with children helps them build vocabulary? According to our research, singing with children has many benefits! Check them out. ????Math Singing with children builds mathematical and spatial skills. Children who have taken music classes score...

Three Ways to Countdown to Christmas

The holiday season seems to start earlier and earlier. Kids get excited for this time of year, oh, say, around February. As December gets closer and stores start to display their holiday best, the excitement builds. It’s easy to get so caught up in wrapping gifts,...
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